martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Post-it notebook

Tengo unos cuantos post-its muy bonitos y he decidido hacer un cuadernito para llevarmelos al instituto :3 Se cierra plegando la cartulina. Le he hecho otro a una amiga y lo he mandado esta mañana en un sobrecito ^^
I have some beautiful post-its so I´ve decided to make a notebook to bring them with me at school :3 You close the notebook folding the cardboard. I made another for a friend and I sent it in a envelope this morning.^^
donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY, donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

 Hay que cortar la cartulina con el ancho del postit principal y de largo 4 veces el largo del post it + el grosor del taquito. En las fotos se aprecia como se dobla .
The measures of the cardboard are: thewidht is the same as the post-its, lhe long is 4 times the post -it long + the thickness .You can see how to fold it in the photos 

donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY, donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY, donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY, donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,
He puesto un bolcillito de papel también.
I put a paper pocket too.
donuth, channel, ideas kawaii, post-it, zankyou no terror, Tutorial, school, notebook, DIY,

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